Video Inspection, Geo Inspection and Geolocation

Quick pipe and drain video inspections IN THE PROVINCE OF ROME AND THROUGHOUT ITALY

Eco.Ter is a company based in Rome and working within the construction and environmental sustainability sector. We also carry out drainage work as well as inspecting pipes through video. We do this for both civil and residential cases and also in the industrial and commercial sectors.

By inspecting the pipes with video, is actually a specific diagnostic method that is carried out using high-definition, state-of-the-art micro cameras. If we initially investigate the state of the sewer, we can then significantly reduce the timeframe as we will have already pinpointed any leaks or other critical issues, so it is then possible to carry out all the necessary work in a timely fashion.

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  • worker during a video inspection

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    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia

Video inspection of PUBLIC systems

Domestic pipes usually have a diameter of between 4 and 10 centimetres. Due to these small sizes, equipment with state-of-the-art technology must be used for cleaning and maintenance, starting with the necessary video inspection.

Eco.Ter technicians can carry out work anywhere in the province of Rome and throughout Italy all day and every day, in case of emergency, even on holidays. In order to limit any problems as quickly as possible that may come from a sewage system that isn't working properly, or that has suffered damage, it is essential to intervene with a sense of urgency.

Leaks in the water system

By inspecting the pipes through video it is therefore possible to ensure quick and honest diagnosis. Then by using this information, it is possible to choose the best solution according to the problem that you are faced with.

At Eco.Ter, we don't only use high definition video cameras but we also have a geophone listening device - a sensor capable of detecting waves and signals that could expose a leak.

  • a punctured pipe with a leak

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    Scrivi qui la tua didascalia

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